Picture Journal 01: The Man Who Blows Bubbles

He carried an easygoing posture, fiddling with the soap water and creating bubbly dreams glistening under the sun.

Gardenia Durian
2 min readOct 23, 2022
Original Art by Yours Truly: Why write when you can draw?

I promised myself if I ever woke up before 8 AM I’d go skating in the Park. This day I made it. A night owl doesn’t often get this treat: the sun still hung low, and its golden rays beam through autumn leaves. The Park was already filled with people, jogging, squatting, or walking their dogs. It was crowdier than I thought. And the best treat of all? Seeing Bethesda Terrace and Fountain in the early morning. It’s the most magnificent gem in the Park.

There this guy set up a bucket of soap water, right at the center spot in front of the fountain. He carried an easygoing posture, fiddling with the soap water and creating bubbly dreams glistening under the sun.

A gold retriever chased after a bubble and was disappointed when it burst. A woman laughed and ushered her dog away. There were so many dogs! The bubble guy took a rest from his bubble-blowing job and played with several dogs hanging out nearby, but the dogs wouldn’t come close to him unless he blew some more bubbles.

A woman in a sports suit pointed her phone in the direction of the bubble guy. I wasn’t sure whether she was trying to take a picture…

